The MongoDB Podcast

Software, Data and All Things MongoDB

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Michael Lynn

Michael Lynn

Developer Advocate, Engineer, Speaker, Fitgeek

Nic Raboy

Nic Raboy

Developer Advocate, Creator of The Polyglot Developer

Syntax Sponsorship

Interested in getting your message to thousands of developers? We're interested in helping! Syntax is one of most listened to web development podcasts out there (we think it's the most listened to!). If you think our audience may be a good fit, let's chat about how we can make this sponsorship worth it for you.

Photo by Dhanish Gajjar

Syntax is a fun β€” and sometimes funny β€” podcast for web developers hosted by Wes Bos and Scott Tolinkski, two independent full stack developers who create online training courses. In each episode, Scott and Wes break down topics to provide "Tasty Treats" to the audience β€” applicable tips and nuggets of information to help web developers in their careers.

Sponsoring the Syntax podcast is ideal for anyone who is looking to reach an engaged, technical, high-income audience. This may include:

  • Developer tooling, software, and services
  • Developer teams looking to hire
  • Technical training material
  • Technical hardware products
  • Premium lifestyle products targeted towards high-income individuals, such as t-shirts, underwear, or backpacks

Audience Size && Breakdown

iPhone showing a Syntax Episode
Photo by Dhanish Gajjar

Each sponsorship spot will receive an average of 45,000 downloads. We get between 80-90,000 downloads per week with some of our top shows receiving more than 70,000 downloads.

While exact numbers are hard to get, here are a few nuggets of information about our audience that should give you an idea of who is listening:

  • Syntax has been in the Overcast top 20 Technology podcasts since launch. #10 as of September 2019!
  • The geographic makeup of the audience consists of 49% USA, 8% United Kingdom, 5% Canada, 4% Germany, 3% Australia, 2% Sweden, 2% Netherlands.
  • The rest of the audience is fairly well distributed between the rest of Europe, Brazil, and India.
  • Of those who listen in the browser, 83% use Chrome, 9% Safari, and 8% Firefox.
  • Of those who listen on phones, it's roughly 80% iPhone users and 20% Android users.
  • According to Twitter's analytic tools, 48% of Wes's U.S. audience has an income of $75,000 or greater.
  • 51% of Wes's followers are aged 18 to 24 and 22% 25 to 34.
  • The top computed "lifestyle type" is Online Buyers.

Audience Interests

The Syntax audience is primarily web developers. About half of the shows focus on hard technical skills, while the other half focus on soft skills or topics tangentially related to web development.

The audience's technical interests include, but are not limited to:

  • CSS libraries, frameworks
  • JavaScript frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue
  • JavaScript utility libraries
  • Server-side JavaScript
  • WordPress and Laravel
  • Software design patterns and methodologies

On the soft skills side, the audience has an appetite for the following topics:

  • Self-improvement & productivity
  • Freelancing and running small businesses
  • Marketing & passive income
  • Work/life balance
  • Fitness and nutrition
  • Premium products β€” Scott and Wes have a weekly "Sick Pick", which is a product or service that they have been enjoying lately

What You'll Get && Pricing

We have found that we get the best results for our advertisers when they sponsor at least three shows and Scott and Wes are able to test out the product prior to giving the ad read.

  • Single Show β€” $2,200 USD
  • 3+ Shows β€” $2,000 USD
  • 10+ Shows β€” $1,850 USD

There are two types of shows. The price is the same regardless of which type of show.

Hasty Treat β€” our 10-20 min Monday show. Sponsor is read at the top of the show. One sponsor per show.

Tasty Treat β€” our hour long Wednesday show. Sponsors are mentioned at the top of the show, and ad read is done part-way through the show. Two sponsors per show.

As part of the sponsorship package, you'll get:

  1. A sponsorship section at the top of the episode show notes. These notes will be listed on both the website as well as on each user's mobile device as they listen to the podcast. This is a great opportunity to list any coupon codes or unique links you'd like listeners to click on.
  2. Tasty: A mention and single line at the top of the show. For example, Wes might say This episode is sponsored by FreshBooks. They are my favourite cloud accounting software, and we will talk about why partway through the show.
  3. A 1-2 min sponsor spot at the start (hasty treat) or midway (tasty) during the episode. While we can do a regular ad read, we have found that having Scott or Wes talk about the product or service and their experience with it gives it an added personal touch and converts better for the advertiser.

Case Study: DevLifts

DevLifts is a fitness company that creates personal training and nutrition plans for their customers.

As part of their company launch, DevLifts sponsored Syntax for a single episode, offering a $50 off coupon to Syntax listeners.

Within 10 days of sponsoring the episode, DevLifts had generated over $9,500 USD in revenue which was directly tied to Syntax listeners, resulting in a more than 10Γ— return on their sponsorship investment.

DevLifts is now sponsoring multiple episodes and will be using Syntax as an ongoing revenue and leads source.

Contact Us

Please send us an email if you are interested in working together and sponsoring the podcast.